Which Indomie Reigns Supreme?

Which Indomie Reigns Supreme?

Indomie is a household name when it comes to instant noodles. It is a brand that has gained a massive following in various countries, especially in Nigeria, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries.

Indomie is known for its unique and delicious taste, affordability, and convenience. It is a go-to meal for many students, busy individuals, and even households who want a quick and easy meal.

The popularity of Indomie can be attributed to its versatility. It comes in various flavors and types, making it easy for anyone to find their preferred flavor.

Some of the most popular Indomie flavors include Mi Goreng, Chicken, and Special Chicken. These flavors have become a staple in many households, and people have come up with creative ways to enjoy Indomie, such as adding vegetables, eggs, or meat.

Credit: SBS

In recent years, more people have been interested in making their own Indomie from scratch. Making Indomie from scratch means that you can control the ingredients used, and it can also be a fun and creative activity to do with friends and family.

This has led to the rise of homemade Indomie recipes and tutorials on various platforms, including TikTok and YouTube.

However, the big question remains: Is homemade Indomie better than the original Indomie? In this article, we will compare the taste and quality of homemade Indomie and the original version.

We will also provide tips on how to make your Indomie experience better.

The purpose of this article is to provide readers with an unbiased comparison of homemade Indomie and the original version. We will delve into the ingredients, taste, texture, nutritional value, and cost of each option.

This way, readers can make an informed decision on which option to go for based on their preferences.

Indomie has become a household name for a good reason. Its popularity continues to grow, and people are constantly finding creative ways to enjoy it.

Whether you choose to go for the original Indomie or opt for homemade Indomie, the choice ultimately depends on your preferences. In the next sections, we will provide an in-depth comparison of homemade Indomie and original Indomie.

What is Indomie?

Credit: go digital

Indomie is known for its wide range of flavors, including the original and the special varieties. The original Indomie is the most popular and widely consumed flavor, known for its signature taste that combines the umami flavor of chicken with a hint of spiciness.

On the other hand, the Indomie special is a more premium version that comes in various flavors like barbecue chicken, spicy beef, and fried noodles.

One of the main differences between Indomie special and original is the type of oil used. Indomie special uses a more refined vegetable oil that is of higher quality, giving it a more authentic and richer flavor.

The seasoning used in Indomie special also contains a mix of more complex ingredients, including onion, garlic, and various spices, resulting in a more complex and nuanced taste.



Making indomie from scratch vs original indomie

♬ See Tình - Cucak Remix (Cukak Remix) - Hoàng Thùy Linh


Another notable difference between the two is the texture of the noodles.

The original Indomie noodles are thin and slightly curly, while the noodles in Indomie special are thicker and flatter. The thicker noodles provide a more satisfying bite and can hold up better to toppings and sauces.

Overall, while both Indomie's special and original offer a delicious and convenient meal option, the special version offers a more premium experience with its richer flavor and thicker noodles.

Making Indomie from Scratch


@crucru_katchoo LIFE CHANGING INDOMIE HACK BY @Separuhakulemak #fyp #TikTokAwards2022 #indomie #easyrecipe #foodieph #FoodieTokPh #mukbang #asmr #foryou ♬ Indomie - Enigma


Making Indomie from scratch requires a bit more effort than simply boiling a packet of instant noodles, but the result is a fresher, healthier, and more customizable meal.

To make Indomie from scratch, you will need the following ingredients:

1 cup of all-purpose flour

1 egg

2 teaspoons of salt



  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt.
  2. Crack the egg into the bowl and mix it with a fork.
  3. Gradually add water, stirring the mixture with a fork or chopsticks until a dough forms. Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  4. Roll out the dough to a thin sheet, then cut it into thin noodles.
  5. Bring a pot of water to a boil and add the homemade noodles. Boil for about 2-3 minutes, or until the noodles are cooked through.
  6. Drain the noodles and rinse them with cold water to stop the cooking process.
  7. In a separate pan, heat up some oil and sauté some onions, garlic, and your choice of vegetables and protein.
  8. Add the cooked noodles to the pan and toss them with the vegetables and protein. Season with soy sauce, oyster sauce, or any other seasonings of your choice.

Pros of making Indomie from scratch:


@bayashi.tiktok #tiktokfood #asmr #indomie ♬ Stay with Me cover by Chris - Chris Andrian Yang


  1.  Healthier: Making Indomie from scratch allows you to control the ingredients that go into your meal, which means you can avoid any artificial flavors or preservatives found in instant noodles.
  2. Customizable: You can experiment with different ingredients and seasonings to create a dish that suits your taste buds.
  3.  Fresh: Homemade noodles have a fresher taste and texture than pre-packaged instant noodles.
Cons of making Indomie from scratch:
  1. Time-consuming: Making Indomie from scratch can take longer than simply boiling a packet of instant noodles.
  2. Requires some cooking skills: Making noodles from scratch requires some kneading and rolling, which may be difficult for those who are not accustomed to making dough.
  3. Not as convenient: Making Indomie from scratch requires more preparation and clean-up time, which may not be ideal for those who want a quick and easy meal.

Overall, making Indomie from scratch is a great option for those who want a healthier and more customizable meal, but it requires more time and effort than simply boiling a packet of instant noodles.

Original Indomie

Indomie instant noodles have become a staple for many around the world, especially in countries like Nigeria, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

The original Indomie instant noodle pack comes in various flavors, including chicken, beef, and vegetable. In this section, we will explore the flavor profile of the original Indomie instant noodle pack and discuss its pros and cons.


@derialdocaesar Ultimate Indomie Recipe. #indomiegoreng ♬ Indomie - Enigma


The original Indomie instant noodle pack consists of a block of pre-cooked dried noodles, a sachet of seasoning powder, a sachet of chili powder, and a sachet of oil.

The cooking process is straightforward, requiring boiling the noodles for three minutes and then mixing them with the seasoning and oil.

Flavor Profile and Taste Test

The original Indomie instant noodle pack has a distinctive taste that sets it apart from other instant noodle brands. The seasoning powder contains a mix of savory flavors, including onion, garlic, and soy sauce, which give the noodles a satisfying umami taste.

The chili powder adds a subtle spiciness to the noodles, while the oil helps to give them a glossy finish and enhances the overall flavor.

In terms of texture, the original Indomie instant noodles have a springy, chewy texture that is pleasant to eat. The noodles hold up well in a soup or stir-fried dishes and do not turn mushy or slimy when cooked

Using Original Indomie Instant Noodles

One of the main advantages of using the original Indomie instant noodles is their convenience. The noodles cook quickly and are easy to prepare, making them an ideal option for those who are short on time or do not want to spend too much effort in the kitchen.

Additionally, the original Indomie instant noodle pack is affordable and readily available in most grocery stores and supermarkets.

However, there are some downsides to using the original Indomie instant noodles. Firstly, the seasoning sachets contain high amounts of sodium and artificial flavorings, which may not be suitable for those with health concerns.

Additionally, the oil sachet contains palm oil, which has been linked to deforestation and environmental issues.


@momomunch Ponyo’s indomie #cooking #SahabatEnergiku #fyp #food #foodtiktok #animefood #anime #foodie #recipe #ghibli #foodlover #carijodoh ♬ Ponyo's Theme (Piano Version) [From "Ponyo on the Cliff"] - URE Relaxing


Lastly, while the original Indomie instant noodles have a good taste, they may not be as customizable as homemade Indomie, which allows for more variation in ingredients and seasoning.

Overall, the original Indomie instant noodle pack is a tasty and convenient option for a quick meal or snack.

However, it is essential to be mindful of the sodium and artificial flavorings in the seasoning sachets and consider the environmental impact of using palm oil.

Indomie instant noodles are a beloved brand with a vast following worldwide. While the original Indomie instant noodle pack is a convenient option, making Indomie from scratch provides more control over ingredients and seasoning.

Indomie special is another variation of the brand with a distinct flavor profile that sets it apart from the original.

Ultimately, the best option depends on personal preference and dietary considerations.

Homemade Indomie vs. Original Indomie

Now that we have a clear understanding of what makes Indomie special and how it differs from the original, as well as how to make Indomie from scratch and the overview of the original instant noodle pack, let's compare the two.

Credit: indonesia.travel

The most important aspect of instant noodles is the taste. After trying both the homemade and original versions, we found that the original Indomie has a unique and addictive taste that is hard to replicate with homemade ingredients.

While the homemade version may have a fresher and more authentic flavors, it lacks the same depth and complexity that the original seasoning packets provide.

The texture of the noodles is also important when it comes to instant noodles. The homemade noodles have a slightly different texture from the original ones, which are thinner and more delicate.

The homemade version may be slightly more filling due to the thicker noodles, but it doesn't have the same satisfying chewiness that the original noodles provide.

Nutritional value comparison

When it comes to nutritional value, the homemade version is definitely healthier as it does not contain any artificial flavors, preservatives, or MSG that are present in the original Indomie seasoning packets.

However, the homemade version may not have the same level of vitamins and minerals as the original noodles, which are fortified with nutrients.

Making Indomie from scratch can be more expensive than buying the original instant noodle pack.

While the ingredients used for the homemade version may be more wholesome and nutritious, they can also be more expensive, especially if you're using premium meat or vegetables.

On the other hand, the original Indomie is an affordable and convenient option that is readily available in most grocery stores.

Credit: misskabaki

There are pros and cons to both homemade Indomie and the original instant noodle pack. Making Indomie from scratch may provide a fresher and more authentic taste, while the original version offers a unique and addictive flavor that is hard to replicate.

Ultimately, it depends on your personal preference and the time and resources you have available.

If you're looking for a quick and affordable meal that still provides great taste and nutrition, the original Indomie is a solid choice.

However, if you're willing to put in the effort and experiment with different ingredients, making Indomie from scratch can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Regardless of which option you choose, adding some of Hagary's metal reusable chopsticks and a stylish ramen bowl to your dining table can enhance your overall experience of enjoying delicious Asian cuisine.

How to Improve Your Indomie Experience

Indomie is already delicious on its own, but if you want to take your Indomie experience to the next level, here are some tips and tricks to enhance the flavor:

  • Add protein: Indomie is perfect for adding protein such as chicken, beef, shrimp, or tofu to make it more filling and nutritious. Simply sauté your protein of choice and add it to your Indomie while it's cooking.
  • Mix up the seasoning: While the seasoning packet that comes with Indomie is delicious on its own, you can mix it up by adding your seasonings such as garlic powder, ginger, or red pepper flakes. You can also try adding soy sauce, sesame oil, or oyster sauce to give it a different flavor profile.
  •  Experiment with toppings: There are endless topping options for Indomie, from sliced green onions and cilantro to fried shallots and sliced chilies. You can also add a fried egg, avocado, or even kimchi to give it a unique twist. 
  •  Stir-fry your Indomie: Another way to change up your Indomie experience is to stir-fry it instead of cooking it in boiling water. Simply sauté your toppings and protein in a separate pan, add your cooked Indomie noodles, and mix everything with your preferred seasoning.
  • Serve with Asian-style utensils: To fully immerse yourself in the Indomie experience, serve it with metal reusable chopsticks and a beautiful ramen bowl with reusable stainless steel chopsticks. This way, you can enjoy your Indomie the way it was meant to be enjoyed and feel like you're dining at your favorite ramen spot.

Indomie is a versatile and delicious instant noodle brand that can be enjoyed in many ways.

Whether you prefer making it from scratch or using the original instant noodle pack, there are pros and cons to both options. However, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can elevate your Indomie experience and enjoy it like never before.

 The Bottom line on the Top

Indomie has become a staple in the world of instant noodles, thanks to its affordable price and tasty flavors.

While the original Indomie instant noodle pack remains a fan favorite, making Indomie from scratch provides an opportunity to customize the dish to your personal preferences.

We compared the taste and quality of homemade Indomie and original Indomie.

We found that while homemade Indomie is more time-consuming, it offers a fresher and healthier alternative to the instant noodle pack. On the other hand, the original Indomie provides convenience and consistency in flavor.

In terms of taste and texture, both homemade and original Indomie have their unique strengths. However, when it comes to nutritional value and cost, homemade Indomie reigns supreme.

To enhance your Indomie experience, we recommend adding toppings such as boiled eggs, chopped scallions, and shredded cheese. You can also experiment with different seasonings like soy sauce, chili flakes, and garlic powder.

Whether you prefer homemade or original Indomie, there's no denying that it's a delicious and satisfying meal.

So go ahead and indulge in a bowl of Indomie, and don't forget to slurp those noodles with your metal reusable chopsticks and sip the broth from your Hagary Ramen Bowl With Reusable Stainless Steel Chopsticks for an authentic Asian food experience.

In summary, making Indomie from scratch versus using the original instant noodle pack ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Both options have their unique advantages, and it's up to you to decide which one suits your taste buds and lifestyle. So, grab your chopsticks, and enjoy the comforting and delicious taste of Indomie.

Did you know? 

Credit: indomie

Did you know that Indomie is so popular in Nigeria that it has become a cultural phenomenon? It is not uncommon to find street vendors selling cooked Indomie noodles on the streets of Lagos and other major Nigerian cities. This is because Indomie is affordable, tasty, and easy to prepare, making it a favorite among college students and busy professionals alike. In addition, Indomie has also become a staple food during Ramadan, with many Nigerians breaking their fast with a steaming bowl of Indomie noodles. With its immense popularity and cultural significance, it's no wonder that Indomie has become a household name in Nigeria and beyond.

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